No Thunderbolt card for Mac Pros?

It looks like Thunderbolt is something that needs to be integrated to the motherboard, expansion cards wouldn't work.
So there goes.. Unless there's a way to change motherboard..

Solar Sail Ship will be on air

Stars of Science program bought my model of Solar Sail Ship I made earlier. And they are going to use it in their program. I was very lucky because they are also using Lightwave for their visualizations.
I will post the link to the program after it gets aired.
It's been pleasure to work with them.

Vue 9.5 for Mac

First time, Vue looks like it would be something interesting.. since it's native 64bit Cocoa for Mac. I have played with the earlier demo versions of 6, 7, and 8. And I was always disappointed for the render speed plus the bugs. Some functions always crashed the entire app.
However, one got to wonder the way how Vue has been split to so many versions. Complete and Infinite, for example, has some differences, mostly related to baking illumination. Baking is perhaps the most crucial feature in 3D package such as this.
So if I get Vue, it's sure going to be 9.5 Infinite.
Going to check out the demo now.

So no more X-Serve

Boy, would I feel sad if I had just bought an X-Serve.
Somehow I wasn't surprised that Apple decided to discontinue it's server product. The company has been all about iPhone, iPad and other consumer devices. And it has never really seriously marketed X-serve, or it's other pro products for that matter. However, we can't call X-Serve "a hobby product" for a number of reasons. Number one reason would be that this platform has been adopted by a large amount of pro users all over the world. These users and enterprises have made commitment to this platform. Now, they've got some thinking to do.
As Macworld article mentions, the communication about the discontinuation has been poor at best from Apple's side. Mac Mini might be a nice little home media server, but I wouldn't buy that for anything serious, redundancy requiring task. You might be able to make Jerry-rig out of couple of those and achieve some redundancy via that method, but enterprise customers are unlikely to go through that.
So my question is, now that Apple has ejected it's dedicated hardware, what's going to happen to Snow Leopard Server?
And if this trend continues, what's the fate of Mac Pro?

Solar Sail Ship Concept

Concept model of a deep space solar sail ship (isn't that a mouthful?).
This is a bare model without any textures.